- The Power Of Forget
Life that is in this one can not get anything more after a time. After a short period of time you have food, You are not poor, But you are committed to "poor". There is food but you can not eat. Now you become poor. 'You become strangers.
First you were the owner of the hypothes after eating, But now there is food, but it is not hed. And will not be desired after some time. You've been as isolated, You get alienated.
There was a time when the views were also, And there was even look and now that time came, That is the viewpoint, but the look was weakened. Now the views were weakened for you.
Then slowly identify identification '
Then man asks whether you are?
So they are the son of your uncle.
Are you Rashid?
He says that I am Habib.
Says that,
Now you do not even remember the name. The memories also went. So became visible.
The taste became difficult to recognize the distortion.
If someone got the old servant. And they say that I'm the same. So it will ask "Who is?" He says I.
It says Do not lie, 'It seems to be'
She says that "I'm the same."
It says that, Then give any evidence.
She says that "Remember the flame."
So it says that "Yes you are."
It means that You also eliminate your proof, Then your identity is also difficult.
Ever see your old pictures will say that's what I am.
The viewer says 'That's lying "it can not be '.
As the shape also touched and shape events were also knocked.
Then some friends trusted, they also went away.
The elders went before and then the other too. So it's done.
Those who call you son, they were over.
You are going to forget all the events. If your memory does not weaken, So you get crazy like this forget.
It is the bigger kindness of Allah otherwise the sadness of tomorrow would be today's sorrow, and tomorrow's grief would be today's grief instead, sadness would not be reduced and sorrow always lived.
So to reduce grief almighty placed an easy formula inside you.
What did he keep? "To forget."
Allah is very favorable. If eternal grief is sad, So he ends in the evening and sleeps.
He was crying first, "was going to sleep again"
Then he will say that now becomes hungry '
People say drink a little tea '
Then cry. You will drink comfortably.
Will sleep comfortably, Then the morning will start crying.
The third day will say that what work I am? the one who was supposed to be.
So Allaah has kept this formula.
Then see it is going with a person funeral, Whose father is dead.
There is a big hard time and is bigger but call it declare the fort when will be. She is not conscious of being conscious.
People say to him that tomorrow will be the Qul.
He forgets the bullock sorrow. Then say is there any devotion? He says that my father is died.
Says guests are coming.
So it's goggling '.
Grief is sad here.
This is what Allaah is keeping, Otherwise you become crazy. Grief is not always living. Happiness is not always living, You will not always be forever.
One thing will always be and that's the goodness of your hand. You have to do goodness from their human. Those who are surrounded by you, And evil is also to do with these humans.
No sin and any reward there is no other than these humans.
The sin and a reward of isolation is less.
That's why all of your sin and reward is with these humans.
Allah has given you this. What is given? "People."
So you reach God through people. To remember it about these people '
This is the first grant:
O Allah, what You have created is not false, it is true.
nice blog