
Ultra Processed Food:

Why do we like Ultra Processed Food so much and what do they do with our bodies?

Man has never seen again after discovering fire and spices. We invent new ways to break and then add food items.

We are incredibly a creative process with what we do with food for new flavors and experiences.

But whatever we eat, we do with us, it is even more interesting than that, especially when you are ultra-processed foods.

What is Ultra Processed Food?

Filling, Canning, Passchorizing, Spiral, Re-Consuming. These are all food processing formats, and the final results are often delicious.

But what unique 'Ultra Processed' Foods (UPF) is unique, that they are more and less than the identity and it is used in different ways and ingredients that we have at home Usually do not use when cooking.

Dr. Chris Van Tulkin recently experienced an experienced for the BBC, in which he ate ultra-processed food for a month. Spoiler Alert: It did not have any good experience.

This experience was part of the documentary film 'what we are open to our children?' During this experience, Dr. Toolkin has eaten a diet in which 80 percent of calories are obtained from ultra-processed foods. This is the proportion that is becoming common in the rapidly income countries such as Britain, Canada, Australia, and America.

How are the UPF influence on the body?

At the end of the month, Dr. Toolkin reported seven kilograms in low sleep, chest and gastrointestinal, affordable, occupation, piles and weight.

"I felt old ten years old." He further said that he realized that everything is due to eating, and this feeling did not happen until I eat it. No more scientific reasons have been told in another research as well as the experience of Dr. Toolkin's experience.

It seems that compared to those who eat less UP F diet, people who eat ultra-processed diet eat more than 500 calories daily.

It was also seen that the hormones are increased for hunger and the hormone decreased, which makes us feel stomach or feel Sari, which understands why many people eat more and weighs Enhanced.

But weight loss is one of the issues related to the UPF diet. Many other studies have been seen that long-term food and heart disease, obesity, diabetes, both types of diabetes, some kind of cancer and even in depression.

It was also seen that the UPF has also affected our food. People eating UPF food eaten very fast compared to those whose diet included very low processed food. Another research in the past was slowly seen and calm. But Dr. Tolkin also acknowledge that the ultra-processed meals 'they were easily chewing and swallowing.'

The scientist of food and nutrition doctor can understand it. 'Ultra-processed foods are tasteful.' As specialist nutrients have a simple description.

He says that our love is 'kind of evolution' from fat and carbohydrate or diet diet. 'When the' Natural 'Silence selected our taste, then the sources of energy and salt were very low.'

He says that for our ancestors' sweet and alphabet (taste like salt like salt) indicated towards indirect energy sources, carbohydrates and protein respectively. It is likely to be hungry with salt because it is necessary in a small amount, but historically not available easily. '

But an element that is probably less important than evolution, he is the productive process that is behind these ultra-processed foods.

Dr. Bucket tells that these products are often prepared for our 'Blues Points' (Enjoying Sensation). The perfect level of salt, fat and / or sugar and the point of view of the specified section for the Sari is the point where your senses become overwhelmed, and you do not want anything else. '

In other words, eating ultra-processed foods are confused by our minds.

Dr. Tolken acknowledges that 'Ultra Processed Diet Become a thing that my mind only tells me, whether I do not need it.

Indeed, their mental activity scans show that the part of the brain responsible for the reward has been found with parts that control automatic behavior. Basically their mind was in the addiction of ultra-processed diet.

Dr. Toolkin also admits that 'a side effect of a really delicious food is that it gets really difficult to stop eating.'

Dr. Bucket also says that UPF creates a mechanism that is called 'optimistic'.

He says that positive emotions for Junk Food immediately affect us. But it takes time to increase the negative effects. It is easy for us to believe that we will have time to change (your food habits), or the result was inevitable.

In Easy Language: Now you will like it, but later you will be sorry.

Dr. Bucket says that as they need to help us to add it to us, the aggressive marketing of these foods and also raids our minds and deeply.

'Many of our food elections are laugh and adolescent. We are not always intentionally thinking about health. As we see it in the stores, in the media and advertisements, it is more likely that we will buy it. '

Why Eat Ultra Processed? 

So if you are so dangerous for UPF health, you will begin to surprise why they are.

Dr. Beckette says that in the 'Australian Guide to Helici', we call these 'discretionary cats', because it is not needed, choose.'

But he says that he must remember that he must remember that "every health is not in the position of food for health. Ultra-processed foods run long, travel easily, and their preparation takes very little time. When we have time or cache, it can be good option for balance. '

He says that the actual forces are those who attract people to the choice of ultra-processed foods instead of eating healthy food.

He says, 'For example, we can increase our hunger for chronic stress, sweet, fat and saline foods. And stress can affect the power and strength that we are ready to give healthy food. '

'In addition to this, all the ultra-processed foods are not necessarily Junk.'

Dr. Beckette says, ' include some important and healthy foods, such as canned vegetables, pasta, rice, bread and fiber-filled snacks.'

But above all, do not forget that food is more than your overall component.

Dr. Beckette says that 'food is more important, it is a part of our happiness, culture, society, social mail and a lot of things.'

'We just have to help people that they balance happiness and health.'

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