
 The tragedy of today's man is loneliness. Today's man is lonely like an island in the vast and infinite sea of ​​time. We are all islands; around each other, but unfamiliar with each other; unaware of each other, strangers to each other and strangers to ourselves. 

Millions of people, crowd after crowd and all alone. There is a crowd of human beings, a festival of human beings, but every human being is alone.

We are all pursuing our own interests and goals. We are slaves to our own selfishness and selfishness. Nobody cares about anyone. All are priests of success. 

"Success" is the mascot of today's man. Success is "not achieved; a beautiful butterfly" that flies and people run after it like children and run away "from themselves and themselves."

We are all busy We have big work to do. We have many desires. We are in great pain. We want to achieve everything. We get nothing. We don't have time to relax. We are restless in search of peace.

 The desire for rest is making us uncomfortable. The desire for parties brings us to loneliness. When the heart is extinguished, then the lights of the city of desire do not bring happiness. 

We are in a hurry. We are in a hurry We collect. We save for difficult times and then wait for difficult times and that difficult time will surely come. We are in a hurry. We are fast. They are falling apart in their desire to get ahead of each other. 

There is competition between brothers. Brother is different. The desire to compete deprives the helper. We live only for ourselves, lost in ourselves, on our own journey. Orbiting in their own orbits like millions of stars in the sky. 

The distances from each other are increasing. Man is becoming a stranger to man. This alienation is adding to the loneliness.

We are killing each other. The uneven distribution of resources is creating deprivations. We are losing our lives. How long will the apparent successes hide the inner knot? 

The man inside is sobbing, screaming, screaming. We hear its voice, but we do not trust our ears. We celebrate our achievements by killing our inner selves. We are fleeing from our spiritual existence.

 We have many faces. Our sorrows and our joys are mechanical. We are unfamiliar with empathy. We silence our inner voice and then free from any pressure of conscience we go on our journey of loneliness.

Our land is divided into regions, regions and countries. One inch is divided. There are nations for nations, but there is no region for man. Man is alone, deprived of his earthly caliphate. 

The mountains, the rivers, the seas are all divided. The only thing left for man is heaven.

Man himself is divided into nations, cut off from his forefathers. Has resigned. Man is imprisoned. There is a historical and geographical siege around every human being, there is a racial prejudice, there is a sense of group interest. 

Consciousness is international and interests are national. The result is that man is not what he is. Man is the only one in abundance.

Loneliness reached deep into the soul. Our souls are deprived of each other. Souls are thirsty for love. Man is insensitive to human values. The feeling is dead. 

No one wants anything for anyone. We are tolerating each other, we don't recognize each other. We are in pain. We don't like faces other than ourselves. 

We priests of interests have forgotten that there is not only life but also selflessness. We consider our thoughts to be high thoughts and our actions to be righteous deeds. 

We do not know how weak we are. We are like a lamp in the wind. We have many faces, but our true nature is in solitude. Our reality is in loneliness and silence.

Our parties smile and our loneliness cries. Our days are spent with the sun and our nights with the sun. Terrible silence, a complete loneliness. 

When we look at our original form, we do not recognize who we are. Our existence is temporary, our plans unsustainable, our ambitions unattainable. 

We are in our trap and that is the reason for loneliness. When we don't belong to anyone, who will belong to us?

We begin the journey of life alone and end alone. No one is born with us and no one dies with us. 

Our gatherings are of necessity and needs are unfamiliar with fidelity and until fidelity is met, loneliness does not end. 

Today's man is falling from human sight. Man has gone away from the heart of man. The one who takes the path from the heavens could not find the path of the heart. 

Man has left the study of man and gone to explore the universe, and what will be found in the great and infinite expanses of the universe except loneliness?

A person deprived of companionship suffers from diseases and the greatest disease is loneliness in itself. It is both a disease and a torment!

The poison of loneliness has descended in the soul of today's man. Man's deeds have written the torment of loneliness for him. The priest of the world of the body is deprived of the world of the mind and is left alone. 

Man is oppressing man. Big nations are swallowing small nations. Mankind is being persecuted in the name of human service. The poor are being slaughtered in the name of the poor. The flames of war are being lit in the name of peace. 

Man is afraid of man. Man is averse to himself. There are poems of the powerful and the hands of tyranny are getting stronger. The superpowers have made plans for the destruction of human beings.

Today's man is standing on the edge of a volcano. Don't know when. A terrible loneliness has engulfed man. 

Destruction programs have been created in the name of development and evolution. The human soul is terrified. Perhaps this civilization has completed its period.

Perhaps today's man is unaware of any hope for the future. Disappointment has become destiny. An era is coming to an end. 

The second round has not yet taken place. This is a period of loneliness. We are passing through Barzakh.

We have comforts, not peace. We have wealth, not satisfaction. We are all moving together, but the destinations are different. 

We are in the crowd, but it has nothing to do with the crowd. We are all around We hear each other's grief, but we don't feel it. We don't consider anyone but ourselves as our own.

We see our own tears as sacred, but we see tears dripping from the eyes of others as fish's tears.

We have given up thinking. We are proud of our knowledge. We are fascinated by our voices, we are fascinated by our thoughts. 

What we like for ourselves, we don't like for others. The terrible punishment for this heinous crime is that we are alone in ourselves. We are falling from our sight in our desire to be high in the eyes of others. 

Our existence is becoming a burden to ourselves. Our voice, our preoccupation, our perseverance is to escape the agony of loneliness, and this loneliness is forming a web around us, which is becoming harder to break.

We did not remain human in our desire to become gods. We are in pain. We are living in our homes like guests. There are poor people in our country. We are today's civilization. 

Frightened loneliness; desert evenings and lone travelers; their voices create fear. Fear of one's own existence; fear of the past and the future; another loneliness!

Have mercy on our loneliness. My Lord, make us acquainted with human beings. Teach us to value human beings. Teach us to love human beings. Teach us to serve human beings. Give us recognition Teach us to respect life. Save us from our pride. Deliver us from our caste. Don't let us down in the end. Teach us faithfulness. Faith is not alone. Give us honesty. Give the truth of remembrance.

Reveal to us the greatness of man; that is the way. Deliverance from the anguish of "loneliness"; O Master! Teach us to trust one another. Take away the doubts and suspicions from within us. Settle our loneliness with love. We have been given a belief, so give us a destination; a journey, a destination, a unity.

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