He came to the village to collect loan. His company used to make farming implements. Farmers used to buy these implements. The company usually did not lend money but sometimes the farmers ran out of money so the owners borrowed ten to twenty percent. 

At the end of the year, it was calculated that the farmers of ten villages had to pay the equivalent of the annual profit of the company. These were small sums. Some farmers owed a hundred dollars and some only fifty. 

Dollars were to be paid but when the company collected this one hundred and fifty dollars this amount turned into thousands of dollars and this was obviously a big amount for a small company in a small town so the company hired a manager to collect the money. 

'The manager goes to different villages, knocks on the door of the borrower, shows him the letter of the company, gives him the receipt of the loan and asks for the money', some people give him the money and some Asking for more time, he continued until he reached the last village on the last day. 

"It was evening." He did not consider it appropriate and went to the only hotel in the village to spend the night. The hotel room rent was a hundred dollars. He paid a hundred dollars and went to sleep. He got up in the morning, had breakfast and went to the customer. 

The customer had to pay the company a hundred dollars. The manager gave him a receipt and demanded the money. He was an old barber. He went in and brought a hundred dollar bill and gave it to him. Going and walked towards the bus stop. The barber had a hundred dollars in his hand. He opened the note as he walked. He began to look at the note. He recognized it. He felt it. He had seen the note somewhere before. 

Then he remembered, "This is the same note he had given at the hotel counter last evening. It was their own currency note." This note come from the hotel to the barber and passed through the barber and again came back into his hands. "He arrived at the bus stop. The bus was bad. He couldn't go back. 

The manager decided to use the time in an interesting way. He got up. He went to the barber. He showed him the note and asked him." Where did you get this note from? ”The barber laughed.“ There was a dentist's clinic at the end of the market. ”He pointed to the clinic and said,“ That dentist used to shave me every day. So I warned him yesterday, 'If you don't pay your loan today, I won't shave you from tomorrow.' He came to me last evening and gave me this note. 

'The manager laughed and the dentist He went to the clinic and showed her the note He asked, "Who did you get this note from?" The dentist laughed and replied, "It's a chicken seller's shop in front of me." Borrowed from me 'he came yesterday to get another tooth extracted' I said to him 'until you repay your loan' i will not treat you.

Disappointed, he went back, but in the evening he brought the note. "I put him in the clinic and gave the note to the barber." 

The manager laughed again and went to the chicken seller. Asked about the note, he pointed to the teller master and said, "He has been borrowing chickens from me for three months. I gave him a warning yesterday. He brought this note in the evening and I "The manager went to the tailor master. The tailor master sent him to the only boutique in the village. It was found out that the owner of the boutique was borrowing clothes from the tailor master." The tailor master gave him an ultimatum and She took the 100-dollar bill to her shop, the boutique owner said. 

"The only greengrocer in the village had borrowed clothes from her for her daughter's wedding and the payment was due." The manager went to the greengrocer. The greengrocer sent it to the grocery merchant. 

The grocery merchant sent it to the truck driver. The truck driver took it to the postman's babu. The babu sent it to the animal dealer. The merchant showed him the way to the laundry and the laundress revealed, "I wash the hotel sheets, towels and pillows. The hotel owner owed me a hundred dollars. I told him yesterday morning, ' If I don't get the money, I won't wash the hotel sheets from tomorrow. The owner of the hotel came to me last evening and gave me this hundred dollars. I bought a donkey two months ago from an animal dealer. I paid for it. The manager laughed. The hotel came again. He put the hundred dollar bill on the counter and smiled. He said, "I want to stay here one more night." The hotel owner opened the room and put the note in his pocket. 

He ran to the bus stop. He had to pay the bus driver a hundred dollars. The driver was ill. He had to pay the doctor. The doctor had to pay the chemist and the chemist owed the motor mechanic. The motor mechanic paid the fine. 

He had to get out of the police lockup. He had to get out and fix the only bus in the area. The manager had to get on the bus the next day and return. Before leaving for the city, he picked up a lawn mower from the police station. 

The police sergeant had borrowed a lawn mower from the company a year ago. This is the two-day economy of a village in the United States. 'Consider how far the hundred dollar bill has traveled in one evening; by what means did it reach where?' How did the recipient pay it? The recipients received it and how did the note finally get to where it left off? 

It was only a fraction of the hundred dollar bill. If you track the whole story of the note, you take it first hand. If you look at the journey to the last hand, you will be amazed to see that this one note passes through the whole society. 

Every recipient considers it his own but it does not belong to anyone. It does not belong to anyone. Now look at another aspect. The pickpocket took the note out of someone's pocket. He spent the note in the bar. The note went on but the pickpocket's book of deeds added a crime. This stigma will remain forever. 

The management of the bar handed over the note to the brewing company. The note went ahead but the sins of the people associated with the brewery increased as they left. The brewing company sold the note material. We handed it over to the companies that did it. The note slipped forward but left a mark of immorality and social decline on the company's moral sheet. The material company paid the employees and the note went to a gambler. He put the note on the gamble. He lost the game and went into the pocket of the winner of the note, but as he left, the sins of the gambler increased, regret and reproach increased. 

The winner gave the note to the prostitute. But another big sin was written in the balance sheet of two human beings. The prostitute gave that note to the grocer. The note went on but the crime of prostitution and the sin remained in the book of deeds of the prostitute.

The grocery merchant handed over the note to the excise officer in the bribe. The note moved two hands forward but the stain of the bribe was left behind. The excise officer paid the note in the child's fee. The note went forward but was forbidden to the family. 

The school gave the note to the hospital in charity. The note went ahead but added to the school's reputation. The hospital gave the note to the medicine company. The note went further but It gave life to a few patients on the way out. The pharmaceutical company gave the note to the material manufacturers. 

The material makers gave the note to the research lab. The research lab gave the note to the university. 

The church gave the note to the Syrian Muslim refugees and the Muslim refugees put the note on the camp's temporary mosque and the mosque builder lost the note in gambling. 

It does not stop, it is constantly traveling, it comes in one hand and goes out in the other, but as it goes, it leaves debt, guilt, sin, reward, happiness and contentment. What is it? 

This is the real truth of all the notes of the world - all the wealth and it tells the truth. There are seven things stuck on every note of the world - halal, Haram, sin, crime, reward, sorrow and happiness. Whenever we receive this note, 'one of these seven things sticks to our hand', this note leaves like a guest in a few moments, but the 'gift' of the note is forever our book of deeds. 

This fact tells us that we are only "carriers" of these notes. We are only cashiers. We receive money or notes with one hand and pay it with the other hand. 

When we receive less, we Pay less, we get more, we pay more, we have a small corridor of notes, we are poor, and if the corridor is large, we are rich, we have a small receipt, we are small cashiers, and if we receive, we pay. We are big cashiers if the size of is large. 

This fact tells us that every note in the world that reaches us must come out of our pocket. We just have to be careful in this transactional game. 

Receiving notes; with it the fragrance of goodness and the note that is slipping out of our hands as it leaves a mark on our fingers and this is the total economy of the world the circulation of notes and fingerprints.