Precious words

Four Knowledge:

Hatim Tai had said, I have acquired four knowledge and got rid of all the scholars of the world… !! ” Someone asked, "What are those four knowledge ?" 

Hatim Tai replied ..... !!

The first was that I realized that the provision I had written in my destiny could be neither more nor less, so I became anxious about the demand for more.

The second is that the right given to me by Allah cannot be paid by anyone other than me. So I got involved in paying for it.

The third thing is that I am looking for something, I can not run away from it in "my death", so I compromised with it.

The fourth is that my God is aware of me. So I was ashamed of it and stopped doing bad things.

These four knowledge are the principles of life and the way of life that whoever adopts them, life will become so easy and satisfying for him that no one in the world would have thought. 

The Division is Destiny:

Why is man so ashamed of his own situation when he sees the wealth of others? This division is destiny.

For us, our parents are the cause of honor. Our identity is our own face. Our destiny is in our own religion. In the same way our happiness is in our own circumstances and in our own environment. The peacock got the peacock destiny, the well got the well. We do not know why this happened to us and why it happened to us. Man will be satisfied if he is satisfied with his destiny. The comparative analysis of fate is invalid.

Search of Peace:

In search of peace, you have reached a destination where there is no such thing as peace. Now the easiest way to get out of these destinations is to be a little quieter, pause, let this clock go out, get rid of your present process, and separate yourself from your present entanglement.

This is what you want to spread. If it is causing you any trouble, then go to the summit, stay, and stop, then you will find peace.

Realization of Soul:

Only when the soul realizes that I have been robbed and harmed will it weep, and this realization will occur only when the servant awakens from negligence. When the soul is awakened, it realizes that I have been harmed and then it cries. 

When the heart becomes insightful, the soul becomes instructive, then this place of awakening is achieved. The souls of the devotees yearn for the world of heaven, the souls of the mystics yearn for the world of force, the souls of the lovers yearn for the world of divinity. The journey to Allah begins with awakening. And the awakening comes from "Bishnu". That is, "listen" and create a feeling of being overwhelmed and spiritually harmed.

Dreamy Eyes:

This noisy drunkenness is only a dream state, in fact the eye only opens when it is about to close.

You were looking for service in your youth to serve your parents and after a while you will look for even better service to serve your children.

And when you start to leave this world, then you say that Allah is the Master, now I am leaving all this to Allah. When everything was already entrusted to Allah but your dreamy eyes were seeing this scene as if all the services and all the work are being done to you.

Haram does not eliminate hunger:

The vulture is a dead carnivorous bird, its stomach is full when it eats, but its appetite is not quenched. So he starts running, and while running he turns over what he has eaten. After vomiting, he starts eating again...... still his stomach is full, but his hunger does not disappear. 

In the same way he repeats the same process over and over again but the hunger does not end. Because he eats Haram and dead.

Forbidden food fills the stomach, but hunger does not disappear, whether it is hunger or sexual and physical ...!

Things are found:

Know for sure that the lost things are replaced by the good ones. Man's home, man's world is constantly filled with new things. While we need "virtues" not worldly things, faith, sincerity and morality. Even if we can't be very good, we can't be very bad.

We can't be a ladder for anyone so we can't take it up, so we can't pull it down and knock it down. We are not diggers, we are diggers. Making things easier is a virtue, and it is good not to get in the way.

There is no peace if the mind is not far away:

A person who is at peace with his environment, with himself, will be at peace. The one who removes evil with good will be at peace. The one who removes the stains of evil from his heart will remain calm. The one who considers his life as someone's kindness remains calm. Peace of mind is an island of well-being in the turbulent sea of life, and only the fortunate discover it.

Do these things:

Do not fly so high that you get hurt when you fall, avoid miracles, this is a great miracle.

If grief comes, accept it, bear it, when trouble comes, don't make noise, when money comes, don't be proud. Don't be arrogant or frustrated. Do these two things and the problem will be solved.

Teach your children:

Teach your children early childhood condolences, care, humility and patience, these are different forms of fear of God. Even animals eat food. Human dignity was something else. The Muslim feeling is a thing of the next level.

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